Angels Among Us

No AccidentR6

Christine Trollinger

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

—John 14:14

Nothing was going right that morning. My husband was due to be released from the hospital after cancer surgery and I was frantic to get everything done before I picked him up. The electric bill was overdue. I had to get to their office and get it paid before noon or they would turn off the electricity. I had totally forgotten about it in the couple of weeks of turmoil we had been through. I had just gotten the air conditioning fixed that morning, so I was running late after waiting for the repairman.

Trying to calm myself and get to the electric company before the deadline, I got my purse and checkbook and headed out to pay the bill. I kept telling myself to calm down. "God is in His heaven and He is going to see us through this."

As I drove downtown, I decided to take the scenic route beside the old cemetery. For some reason it always comforted me to pass by there. It was a special cemetery in our town that went back to the Civil War days. Cole Younger of the notorious James-Younger Gang was buried there as well as many of the town's founding fathers. As I drove past the cemetery, I mused about what a nice and decent Christian man Cole had become after his release from jail. He became a mentor for troubled youth and everyone called him "Uncle Cole." He was also one of the founding fathers of the early Youth for Christ in our area. That is why our town held Cole Younger Days every year. He had done a lot of good for our little town, and we strove to keep those memories alive.

As I drove past the cemetery I said a little prayer for all of our deceased ancestors who were buried there. Just as I reached the corner of the cemetery a car came barreling through the stop sign. All I saw was a flash of brown before it was going to hit my driver's side door. I remember thinking "Oh! God save me." The next thing I knew my little four-cylinder car took off like a rocket. It was almost surreal how fast it sped up. Then I came to a stop in the yard on the opposite corner of the road. I looked up and saw the other car also stopped in the yard. Inside were a woman and a little girl.

We got out and looked over our cars, and amazingly there were no scrapes or damage to either car or ourselves. As we stood there musing how lucky we were, the little girl said, "Mommy did you see the angels pushing our cars?" We started giggling that, yes there were angels around us, just to humor her. Then we noticed a large beer truck that had pulled to the curb. The driver came over to see if we were all right. His face was completely white as he exclaimed, "I never believed in angels but I sure do now. I was right behind you and saw that there was no way for you to avoid the collision. Suddenly there were angels all around your cars. I saw the cars actually pass through one another and yet there isn't a scratch on any of you or your cars."

Amazing. A child and a stranger had seen what neither of us had figured out. We knew we were very lucky but had no idea how blessed we had been. God is in His Heaven and His angels are watching over us.

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